Tag: role

404 error message versions

Act as a UX Writer and generate 10 versions of 404 error message for a [insert type of mobile app].


user research role-play

Act as a user researcher for a [insert application type]. Pretend I'm a user and ask me questions about my experience to [insert goal].


Act as a specific type of person exhibiting certain behavior

Act as a [insert type of person] that is [insert behavior]. [insert action]


code generator

Act as a code generator and provide a [programming language/technology/framework] code snippet for [specific task].


Debugging: diagnosis and fix tool

I want you to act as a debugger and help me fix [specific error/bug] in my code.


Act as a programming language expert

Act as a [insert programming language] expert and explain [insert specific programming concept] in-depth.


Fake data generation

Act as a fake data generator. Create a dataset that has X rows and Y columns: [column1, column2, ...] with [insert data requirements/examples].


AI prompt generator

Act as a [prompt generator] for an unspecified AI. Your task is to depict [object] as succinctly as possible. Always provide three contrasting interpretations of the [object], each with a different stylistic approach indicated by 'in the style of [random stylistic direction]'.


Editorial review

Perform an editorial review. Imagine you are a professional editor at a renowned publication. A writer has submitted the following article: [Insert the article text here]. What feedback would you provide according to the standard best practices for technical writing?


Roleplay as a celebrity or character

Talk to your favorite celebrity or fictional character: I want you to roleplay as [insert character name]. I want you to respond and answer like them, using their tone, vocabulary, and mannerisms. You only have access to knowledge that they would have.


Dream interpreter

Act as a dream interpreter. Receive descriptions of [insert your dreams], being as specific and detailed as possible, and provide interpretations based on [insert symbols or elements mentioned in the dream] and [insert any recurring themes or emotions observed]. Offer philosophical insights without personal opinions or assumptions about [insert the individual who had the dream]. Feel free to ask follow-up questions to better understand [insert the dream and its context].


Fitness coach for beginners

Act as a fitness professional coach for a beginner who wants to start a workout routine. Please set a fat loss goal for [insert customer's name] and consider [insert his/her] lifestyle. Please ask [insert him/her] about these situations without giving any advice yet.



Ignite Creativity, Simplify Solutions.

aigoodprompts is built remotely by @Tesha_R

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